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배우형 진료과장(중환자실장)


관상동맥중재술, 심박기 및 심율동 전환 제세동기 거치술, 심초음파, 고혈압/이상지질혈증/심부전/허혈성심장질환/부정맥 약물치료

진료일정 (20250120 ~ 20250125)

의료진/진료과 - 의료진 진료일정 정보표 : 요일/시간, 월요일, 화요일, 수요일, 목요일, 금요일, 토요일, 오전, 오후 진료일정에 관한 정보제공
오전 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료
오후 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료


  • 1996년-부산대학교 의과대학 졸업
  • 1999년-부산대학교 대학원 의학석사 취득
  • 2006년-부산대학교 대학원 의학박사 취득
  • 1996년-1997년 부산대학교병원 인턴
  • 1997년-2001년 부산대학교병원 내과 레지던트
  • 2004년-2006년 부산대학교병원 심장내과 전임의
  • 2006년-현재 봉생기념병원 심장내과 과장
  • 2012년-현재 봉생기념병원 봉생병원 중환자실장
  • 2006년-심장내과 분과전문의 자격 취득
  • 2011년-대한심혈관중재학회 심혈관 중재시술 인증의 자격 취득
  • 2006년-독일 마인츠대학병원 심장내과 연수
  • 2007년-부산대학교 의학전문대학원 의학과 외래 조교수
  • 2008년-2015년 부산대학교 의학전문대학원 의학과 겸임 조교수
  • 2009년-부산대학교 의학전문대학원 의학과 겸임 부교수
  • 2016년-현재 부산대학교 의학전문대학원 의학과 겸임 교수


  • 부산·울산·경남 심장학회 이사(2021.03~2023.02)
  • 현 대한의사협회 정회원
  • 대한내과학회 정회원
  • 대한심장학회 정회원
  • 대한심혈관중재학회 정회원
  • 한국심초음파학회 정회원

주요 논문(및 저서)

  1. 1. Shin HJ, Bae WH, Song SH, Lee WC, Lee SB, Park SM, Kwak IS, Rha HY. A case of IgA nephropathy associated with psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritis. Korean J Nephrol 1999;18(1):198-203.
  2. 2. Park YH, Park YI, Bae WH, Lee HG, An BJ, Kim SH, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW. Microalbuminuria as a marker for renal and vascular complications of essential hypertension. J Korean Soc Hypertens 1999;5(2):108-16.
  3. 3. Bae WH, Lee HG, Park YI, Park YH, Oah HM, Lim JH, An BJ, Kim SH, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW. Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on ventricular arrhythmias in hypertensive patients. Korean J Med 1999;56(4):459-67.
  4. 4. Shin HJ, Poo CS, Kim JS, Bae WH, Hong JH, Chung JS, Lee EY, Cho GJ. A case of dyskeratosis congenita with myelodysplastic syndrome. Korean J Hematol 1999;34(4):614-8.
  5. 5. Lee CW, Song SH, Bae WH, An JH, Kim SI, Kim MK, Lee SS, Jung DS, Kwak IS, Rha HY. A case of cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Korean J Rheumatol 1999;6(4):346-50.
  6. 6. Kim TO, Jung YS, Kim JY, Bae WH, Kim SI, Lee CH, Kwak IS, Rha HY. A case of polymyositis with involvement of liver. Korean J Rheumatol 1999;6(4):335-9.
  7. 7. Park YI, Kim SH, Ha JK, Kim SH, An BJ, Bae WH, Lee HG, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Park SK, Shin YW. Etiologies and prognostic factors of chronic cor pulmonale. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1999;47(5):609-17.
  8. 8. Jung HC, Song SH, Kim YB, Bae WH, Lee DW, Lee WC, Lee SB, Kwak IS, Rha HY. A case of type I membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis associated with cellulitis on lower leg. Korean J Nephrol 1999;18(5):841-6.
  9. 9. Lee HG, Bae WH, Park YH, Park YI, Kim SH, An BJ, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW. The significance of a crochetage pattern on R wave in electrocardiographic inferior limb leads in atrial septal defect. Korean Circulation J 1999;29(8):796-801.
  10. 10. Song SH, Bae WH, Shin HJ, Ahn SJ, Jung HC, Lee SB, Kwak IS, Rha HY. Predictive factors of acute renal failure in sepsis ? APACHE III prognostic system and Liano system. Korean J Nephrol 2000;19(2):271-7.
  11. 11. Park SS, Choi YK, Bae WH, Son SM, Kim IJ, Kim YK. A case of pineal germinoma presenting with diabetes inspidus. Korean J Med 2000;59(3):305-9.
  12. 12. Bae WH, Song SH, Kim TO, An JH, Jung HC, Shin HJ, Lee CW, Ryu SH, Park SS, Lee WC, Lee SB, Kwak IS, Park SK, Rha HY. Two cases of scrub typhus complicating acute respiratory distress syndrome. Korean J Med 2000;59(5):544-9.
  13. 13. Lee HG, Bae WH, Kim SH, An BJ, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Jo BM, Son HC, Shin YW. The clinical usefulness of cardiac troponin I as a marker for severity in patients with congestive heart failure. Korean Circulation J 2000;30(6):724-8.
  14. 14. Ryu SH, Lee HG, Shin HJ, Bae WH, Lee WC, Lee SB, Kwak IS, Rha HY. A case of hemolytic uremic syndrome complicating acute pancreatitis. Korean J Med 2000;59(6):663-7.
  15. 15. Lee CS, Bae WH, Lee HG, Kim SH, Ha JK, Kim SH, Ahn BJ, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW. Heart rate variability in appropriate sinus tachycardia. Korean Circulation J 2000;30(9):1133-8.
  16. 16. Kim BS, An JH, Bae WH, Park SS, Shin HJ, Kim SI, Kwak IS, Rha HY. A case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in systemic lupus erythematosus. Korean J Med 2001;60(6):593-6.
  17. 17. Park YH, Kim JH, Jeong JH, Ko WS, Bae WH, Song SG, Kim JS, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Choo KS, Kim CW, Shin YW. The meaning of pathologic Q wave in myocardial infarction assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Korean Circulation J 2004;34(10):945-52.
  18. 18. Kim JH, Park YH, Jeong JH, Ko WS, Bae WH, Lee HG, Kim J, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW, Choo KS, Kim CW. The usefulness of cardiovascular MR in prediction of wall motion recovery after revascularization in acute myocardial infarction. Korean J Med 2005;69:364-70.
  19. 19. Bae WH, Chun KJ, Oh JH, Lee DW, Ahn BJ, Kim SH, Lee JS, Kim MY, Lee HG, Ko WS, Park YH, Kim J, Kim JH, Hong TJ, Shin YW. Causes of elevated cardiac troponin I in patients with normal coronary angiogram. Korean J Med 2005;69:487-92.
  20. 20. Bae WH, Lee HG, Oh JH, Lee DW, Ahn BJ, Kim SH, Lee JS, Kim MY, Kim YS, Lee HC, Kim J, Kim JH, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW. A comparison of tissue Doppler echocardiography and B-type natriuretic peptide in estimating pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. JCU 2006;14(1):12-8.
  21. 21. Oh JS, Bae WH, Lee HM, Kim HJ, Kim NS, Yun SH, Lee SE, Park YK, Shin YH, Kim JK. Comparison of heart rate variability between end stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis and hypertensive patients. Korean J Med 2008;75:54-9.
  22. 22. Lee SE, Bae WH, Kim NS, Yun SH, Lee HC, Kim J, Kim JH, Chun KJ, Hong TJ, Shin YW. A safety and effectiveness of high pressure balloon dilatation for sirolimus-eluting stent implantation in the ischemic heart disease. J Korean Geriatr Soc 2008;12(1):24-9.
  23. 23. Lee HG, Chun KJ, Cho KI, Lee DW, Oh JH, Ahn BJ, Kim SH, Lee JS, Kim MY, Bae WH, Ko WS, Jeong JH, Kim TI, Lee HC, Kim J, Kim JH, Hong TJ, Shin YW. Impact of drug-eluting stents on clinical outcomes in patients with diffuse coronary lesions. Korean Circulation J 2008;38:612-7.
  24. 24. Jung HS, Lee TK, Bae WH, Yun CS, Park CH, Jang JB. Communicating bilateral coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula with aneurysms. Int J Cardiol 2009;10;1016-8.
  25. 25. Oh JS, Bae WH, Jeon JM, Kim SM, Son YK, Shin YH, Kim JK. Comparison of heart rate variability between ESRD patients on peritoneal dialysis and hypertensive patients. Korean J Med 2010;78:725-31.
  26. 26. Kim SM, Choi SH, Oh JS, Hong TJ, Shin YH, Bae WH, Kim JK, Lee HR, Jung P, Ryu TH. Comparison of heart rate variability in kidney transplantation and end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis. Korean J Med 2012;83:606-12.